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Start-Up Opportunity – Actuarial Director Pensions

Date Posted
25th August 2021
Job Type
Flexible Location
Plus Significant Bonus Potential
£110,000 to £160,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: Start-Up Opportunity – Actuarial Director Pensions

Goodman Masson are recruiting for an experienced Pensions Actuary with a strong New Business background to take the lead role in an exciting start-up.

This will suit Pensions Actuaries who are looking to take on responsibility for owning the P&L and running all aspects of the business from business development, delivery through to leading and building the team.

This will most likely suit those with a corporate advisory background and some de-risking experience, though people from more of a trustee consulting background and strong sales skills will also be considered.

You don't need to have operated at this level before so long as you are ready to step up into a leadership role.

Please get in touch either via this advert or directly on:

E - 

T - 020 7019 8861

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