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Senior Manager Life Actuary

Date Posted
8th February 2022
Job Type
Bristol Office once a week/fortnight
Permanent role, Part-time (Job Share as 3/3.5 days a week with flexible hours)

Job Description Apply: Senior Manager Life Actuary

Are you a life actuary with managerial experience thinking about taking a part-time permanent role? You may want extra time to work on your projects, your family or just get a bit more time for yourself.

Goodman Masson are working with a UK life insurer who is searching for a post-qualified actuary with management experience to share the management of a team of 10 actuaries. Your work will involve signing off and getting results through governance however there is the potential for more than this.

This is a rare opportunity for a manager to have a part-time role with exposure to multiple areas. This is possible as it is a job share with another post-qualified actuary.

You will be a post-qualified life actuary with significant UK experience in the life insurance or life insurance consulting. You will also have good knowledge and experience of solvency capital reporting, capital modelling or risk margins.

If interested, apply here ASAP as recruitment is ongoing.

Alternatively, get in touch with Abiramy (Abi) Logeswaran at Goodman Masson:

T : +44 (0) 207 324 0516

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