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Senior Analyst - Lloyds Pricing

Date Posted
26th May 2021
General Insurance
Job Type
Excellent Benefits
£60,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: Senior Analyst - Lloyds Pricing

Goodman Masson are working with an established Lloyd's Syndicate who are searching for a Part/Nearly Qualified Actuarial Analyst to join their Specialty Pricing Team. You would be working on the development of new pricing techniques and models from various LOBs such as Aerospace, Engineering and Marine.

They are looking for candidates who are progressing well with their actuarial exams and have 2-5 years of experience in General Insurance from any background (Pricing, Reserving, Capital Modelling or Consulting). Knowledge of software/tools such as Excel, Access, VBA, Power BI and SAS would be looked on favourably but by no means essential.

If you're interested please get in contact Bill Burton:

E -

T - 0207 324 0568

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