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Reserving Actuary - Run-Off

Date Posted
4th August 2021
General Insurance
Job Type
Excellent Benefits
£60,000 to £90,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: Reserving Actuary - Run-Off

Goodman Masson are recruiting for a Lloyd's Syndicate who are searching for a nearly/newly qualified actuary to join their Syndicate team and support on their Run-Off Activities, reporting directly into the Chief Actuary.

In this role, you would have responsibility for the delivery of quarterly reserving and Solvency II TPs for over £400m of reserves. However, the role is much wider in scope than just pure reserving and you would be providing key support in assessing future M&A Transactions and Deals as they continue to grow and expand. Other responsibilities would include Pricing of Reinsurance for Run-Off Accounts and working on the Reserve Risk of the Capital Model. This role will give you exposure to the full actuarial cycle.

This offers progression into a Head of Reserving role in the future. They are looking for a nearly or newly qualified actuary with a strong knowledge of Reserving ideally from Lloyd's, London Market or Consultancy background. They offer flexible working arrangements.

If you would like to learn more about this opportunity, please get in contact with Bill Burton:

E -  

T – 0207 324 0568

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