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Reinsurance Longevity Corporate Actuary/Sr Analyst

Date Posted
25th August 2021
General Insurance, Re-Insurance
Job Type
London – with extensive WFH on offer (as required)
Excellent Bonus
£40,000 to £80,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: Reinsurance Longevity Corporate Actuary/Sr Analyst

One of the world’s most successful longevity reinsurers are aggressively growing with a strategic aim to write more mid-large sized deals, and so are looking to hire ambitious Actuaries to join them who want to specialise in working in reinsurance. This role sits in the finance function who are going through a large number of change projects, so it is likely that a healthy portion of your role will be focused on non-BAU tasks, and that the more routine aspects will be very complex and interesting in any case.

The role would include:

  • Contributing to the annual business planning process
  • Implementing new longevity treaties into the actuarial model
  • Development and improvements of actuarial modelling software
  • Running stresses and sensitivities as part of their annual ORSA
  • Process improvements, and developing and improving reporting methods
  • Collateral validation and monitoring
  • Data Cleanses and in-force treaty management

You can come from a variety of backgrounds to be considered for this role and do not need to have prior longevity or even necessarily reporting/valuations experience before. Ideally, you will be a nearly or newly qualified actuary, but due to the rapid expansion plans of this function, mid-level students and more experienced actuaries would also be greatly of interest.

Contact Bradley Grant to find out more information:

E -

T - 0207 019 8869

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