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Prophet Development Contractor

Date Posted
28th February 2018
Job Type
Location Upon Application
£400 to £450 Per Day

Job Description Apply: Prophet Development Contractor

I am recruiting for an Actuarial Analyst with Prophet Development experience, for a day rate contract opportunity.

Candidates will have UK Life Insurance experience, and good hands on Prophet Development experience. You will also have a good understanding of life insurance products, and the practical implications of the models. 

This role will suit Actuarial contractors who are due to be available in the next 8 weeks, or people who are seeking a move from a similar permanent position into contracting.

The day rate is ideally £400/day, though candidates looking for slightly more may also be considered. Therefore it would suit an actuarial analyst/student or perhaps someone who has given up the exams at an early stage.

Please apply now or contact me directly on or 020 7019 8861.

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