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Pricing Analyst

Date Posted
18th May 2022
General Insurance
Job Type
Excellent Benefits
£45,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: Pricing Analyst

Goodman Masson are working on many opportunities in the Pricing/Actuarial space at the moment.

On this occasion, I would like to discuss one of many exciting, new roles with an established Personal and Commercial lines insurer as they aim to expand their Retail Household Pricing Team

As they aim to expand their pricing team, the focus will be on home insurance products and they are looking for an Analyst ready to learn and implement a new technologically advanced approach to pricing these products.

You will undertake a multitude of projects, including:

  • Predicting claims cost for use in live pricing and reporting, through the maintenance and deployment of rating models
  • Producing expected loss ratio reports.
  • Technical underwriting and pricing assistance to other teams in the business

They are looking for technically inclined analysts with 1+ years of experience in the Pricing Sector, who are competent in at least one coding language (SQL, SAS, VBA, Radar, Emblem, Python or R)

If this opportunity interests you, please contact Andrea Bindi at Goodman Masson:

E -

T - +44 (0)20 73240539

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