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Portfolio Management Opportunity

Date Posted
16th January 2021
ZB 001587 ZB
Banking/Finance, General Insurance, IT
Job Type
£130,000 to £140,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: Portfolio Management Opportunity

A Lloyd's Insurer is looking to appoint an individual to lead the firm’s Portfolio Management, joining the recently established team. You will take ownership of setting up the Portfolio Management function, from a data and analytics perspective; this is an exciting opportunity as the successful candidate will set the structure and framework for the various lines of business to optimise and analyse their existing and future portfolios.

You will likely be a qualified actuary, however those with specific portfolio management experience from other financial arenas will be very much considered. The wider team consists of ten other specialists, including across governance, distribution and technology. This opportunity is one to discuss further.

REF: ZB 001587 ZB

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