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Pensions Actuaries – Stopped taking the Exams

Date Posted
9th June 2021
Job Type

Job Description Apply: Pensions Actuaries – Stopped taking the Exams

Have you stopped taking the actuarial exams?

I have helped a number of people recently who for different reasons have either given up the exams or put them on hold, but who still operate at a similar level to a qualified actuary.

All had joined their current company on the actuarial exam path and stopped along the way.

After stopping the exams they all continued to grow in experience – they got technically stronger, they became stronger client facing consultants and most took on people management responsibilities too.

But because salary and promotions are traditionally so closely linked to exam progress, over time they began to feel undervalued for the job they perform and the value they add to the business.

If any of the above resonates, here are a few things to keep in mind:

There is a huge appetite in the market right now to hire good people, and if you have stopped studying you can absolutely find a new role if you’d like to

  • If you feel underpaid and undervalued, I begin any application process without revealing your current salary – to ensure you are treated fairly
  • On average I managed to secure exam-stoppers a 21% pay increase this year, ranging from 15% up to a huge 33%. (My average for exam takers so far this year is 9%!)
  • Joining a company who understands that you are not seeking qualification from the outset, makes a world of difference
  • You will be hired for who you are and the experience you have, with a much better salary and clear career progression with no barriers

Something to think about!

I can help people in pretty much any location across the UK, especially: Leeds, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Reading, London/South East, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

Feel free to get in touch directly:

E -

T - 020 7019 8861

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