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Mixed Capital Modelling & Reserving Role

Date Posted
28th March 2018
General Insurance
Job Type
Excellent Benefits
£70,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: Mixed Capital Modelling & Reserving Role

This is an exciting new opportunity to join a growing London based firm. The role is open to someone who is nearly or newly-qualified. This role will give you exposure to two specialisms - Reserving and Capital Modelling, so experience in solvency II standard formula, capital modelling and technical provisions is desirable. Familiarity with any Actuarial software packages: Igloo, ReMetrica, ResQ etc would also be an advantage. 

They are keen to see candidates who are ambitious, high achievers and able to pick up new concepts quickly, so this would be an ideal role for someone who is very driven and motivated. This role will give you the opportunity to work very closely with Senior Actuaries and so you should also be interested in learning from them in a fast-paced industry. 

As part of this small actuarial team you will be working on real client projects from when you start and will be expected to analyse data, draw conclusions and present results. Consequently this should build both your technical and industry knowledge from these experiences. 

This is an international, financially strong organisation and you can be guaranteed an excellent, diverse career path in a friendly, collaborative and supportive environment. Moreover you will be coming into a growing global business, so there is great potential for longer term progress into a senior level positions. 

Please contact me for further information… or call 02073240568

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