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IFRS17 Senior Project Actuary

Date Posted
30th October 2019
Job Type
Excellent Bonus
£90,000 to £110,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: IFRS17 Senior Project Actuary

A globally-renowned life insurance business are seeking to hire an impressively qualified actuary to take a leading role in their IFRS17 programme as their IFRS17 senior actuary. As their IFRS17 senior actuary, you will manage the technical development and technical implementation of IFRS 17 reporting methodologies, systems and processes, to ensure that accurate IFRS 17 results and analysis can be produced within a timely manner.

You will build and maintain effective relationships with senior stakeholders including, but not limited to finance, at group level and with auditors to present your proposed methodology. You would also be responsible for training and mentoring others on this topic. You will be an experienced and confident actuary with relevant experience in reporting and ideally of working on developing methodologies. IFRS17 experience is desirable but non-essential.

Excellent work-life balance and flexibility are on offer with regards to WFH.

Please contact me for more information:


Phone: 0207 019 8869


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