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Head of Actuarial - Beijing

Date Posted
31st October 2018
General Insurance
Job Type
¥2m Plus Benefits

Job Description Apply: Head of Actuarial - Beijing

Goodman Masson are working on an exciting new role with a market-leading Chinese insurance company who are searching for a Head of Actuarial. 

You will be leading a team of actuaries in China but will also coordinate with the actuarial teams across the companies international business units. You will also be working closely with senior stakeholders to communicate to them the actuarial work that is being done across the overseas business.

You will need to be an experienced actuary with knowledge of both Reserving & Pricing. It is essential that you can speak both English and Mandarin as you will be communicating with senior management across China and with the companies entities worldwide.

If you think this sounds like an exciting role and a team you would want to be a part of then please get in contact... or call 020 7324 0568

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