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GI Actuarial Senior Manager (BIG4)

Date Posted
27th March 2019
General Insurance, Management Consultancy
Job Type
Exellent Benefita
£150,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: GI Actuarial Senior Manager (BIG4)

I am recruiting for a senior level opportunity that offers mixed project work across reserving, capital modelling, IFRS 17 and on Brexit advisory. 

As a Senior Manager you will be managing the delivery of various projects understanding key issues that your clients have and preparing technical analysis to solve their issues. You will take ownership and have accountability for your client relationships and your team.

You will be someone who enjoys presenting and working with various stakeholders. They are open to different backgrounds from Personal lines, Commercial Lines, London Market or Lloyds. 

Please contact me for further information on 0207 324 0568 or

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