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Finance&Modelling, Snr Actuarial Business Partner

Date Posted
4th February 2020
Job Type
£Excellent Salary + Bonus with Flexibility
£80,000 to £90,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: Finance&Modelling, Snr Actuarial Business Partner

Goodman Masson is working with a highly regarded life insurer, who are seeking to hire a qualified actuary (in likelihood) to act as their main point of contact between the finance team and their modelling team. This role would suit an actuary with experience of working within a valuations role at some point and who is comfortable in investigating the models for errors and being able to ideally resolve issues themselves (or to relay amendment requirements to the wider modelling team).

You will be required to have strong stakeholder management skills and be capable of understanding a wide range of uses for the models across finance as this role is very broad (and not limited to IFRS17 transformation).

This is a company with a good work-life balance and a very attractive working culture. This is an opportunity to become a key employee within this business and widely recognised for championing the model across other areas who are less familiar with the work that is done within Finance.


T: 0207 019 8869

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