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Consulting Actuary – Captives

Date Posted
4th December 2019
General Insurance, Management Consultancy
Job Type
Excellent Benefits
£130,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: Consulting Actuary – Captives

Goodman Masson are working with a global consultancy firm who are searching for a qualified General Insurance actuary to work within their Risk Consulting team focusing on their non-insurance clients and industry captives.

They are looking for an actuary who has significant pricing experience to lead on the price optimisation in this area. It is a client-centric role and being the lead for pricing you will need to be comfortable regularly meeting senior stakeholders and presenting to them.

Pricing will be about 60% of your work, the other 40% will be a mix of capital, reserving and risk. In this role, there is no audit work and it offers a great way to use your actuarial skills in a non-traditional environment.

If you're interested to find out more, please get in touch...

Direct Line: 0207 324 0568

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