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Capital Analyst – life / pensions switch to GI

Date Posted
20th July 2018
General Insurance, Life, Pensions
Job Type
£49,000 to £60,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: Capital Analyst – life / pensions switch to GI

International Lloyd’s/London market company has an opening for an actuarial student from either a GI, life or pensions background. You must have excellent academics and a strong aptitude for coding, preferably R/Python. Joining a team of 3, you will work closely with other teams around the business, developing and running the internal model to meet both business needs and external requirements. The candidate will be responsible for preparation and submission of Lloyd’s Capital Return and working with reviewers at Lloyds and the PRA to determine the Syndicates’ Economic Capital Assessment. You must be a good communicator with an energetic attitude for success within a fast paced environment.

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