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Capital Actuary – Lloyd’s Syndicate

Date Posted
6th January 2021
General Insurance
Job Type

Job Description Apply: Capital Actuary – Lloyd’s Syndicate

Goodman Masson are working with a new Lloyd’s Syndicate who are looking to hire a Capital Actuary as they look to bring the actuarial function in house.

Your role would primarily focus on Capital Modelling to work on all aspects of the Remetrica model. You would also get the chance to work on parts of the Reserving cycle which is overseen by the Lead Actuary.

The ideal candidate will have at least 3 years of GI experience and would suit a nearly or newly qualified actuary. They are open to looking at candidates from Capital, Reserving and Consultancy backgrounds, ideally with some previous London Market or Lloyd’s experience.

This is a great time to be joining this ambitious syndicate; one where you can make a real impact! Great culture and great benefits.

Please get in touch to find out more…

E -
T - 0207 324 0568

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