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BPA Pricing Actuary

Date Posted
10th March 2021
Pensions, Re-Insurance
Job Type

Job Description Apply: BPA Pricing Actuary

I am currently sourcing candidates for over a dozen roles in the BPA (Bulk Purchase Annuity) space across pricing, origination, and reinsurance for three leading providers. The roles are open to pension actuaries ranging from part-qualified to circa 5 years post-qualified.

In the ten years that I have specialised in this industry, I have never known it to be so busy. As such, if you have ever considered moving away from pensions into an insurance role, please do get in touch as there’s never been a better time to apply. In addition to offering an interesting and rewarding change of career, a transition now into BPA opens up long-term career options across the General Insurance, Life and Reinsurance industries – I’m happy to discuss this further.

The ideal candidate will come with some Risk Settlement exposure but, ultimately, a traditional pensions background is more than enough if you can demonstrate a strong desire to move into this space.

If you would like me to send specs or you would like to arrange a time to speak please get in touch:

E -  
T - 0207 019 8851

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