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Become an Actuarial Contractor! Reporting/IFRS17

Date Posted
21st March 2018
General Insurance, Investment
Job Type
South West
£450 to £700 Per Day

Job Description Apply: Become an Actuarial Contractor! Reporting/IFRS17

We are keen to speak to additional candidates who would like to move from permanent actuarial roles into the contracting market.

Whilst this isn't always an easy move to make, if you have a reasonably short notice period (e.g. 1 month) or if you have already taken the decision to resign or take voluntary redundancy and therefore have a confirmed leaving date, we may well be able to help you.

Your chances of success are highest if you are very flexible in terms of the locations you are willing to work (those who rigidly want London only may struggle) and also have an open mind when it comes to rates in your first contract until you have built up contracting experience and reputation.

Candidates with Financial Reporting (solvency II or IFRS) or Modelling (Capital Modelling, ESGs etc.) are sought by a number of clients right now, so please get in touch to arrange a conversation.

You can contact me directly on, via LinkedIn, or by phone on 020 7019 8861.

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