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Actuary - London Market - Mixed Role!

Date Posted
30th April 2020
General Insurance
Job Type
Excellent Benefits
£90,000 Per Annum

Job Description Apply: Actuary - London Market - Mixed Role!

I am working with a London Market Company who are looking to make their second actuarial hire. You will be part of a small team reporting directly into the Chief Actuary. 

They are developing their actuarial function which you will be heavily involved in. This hire will be responsible for optimising the reserving and financial reporting, leading the pricing of niche risks and renewal pricing as well as Standard Formula Capital work. You will also work alongside the Chief Actuary to improve their Risk Management Framework.

This is a broad role requiring experience and understanding of reserving and a desire to expand your knowledge of capital modelling and pricing; any experience of these other specialisms will be a plus! You will have exposure at board level who will take a keen interest in the development of the Actuarial Function and Risk Management Framework. The ideal candidate will be a qualified GI actuary (or one sitting away from qualification) with 4-7 years’ experience.

If you're interested to find out more, please get in contact... or call 02073240568

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